I love sharing my favorite quotes, because it's through other reviewers' favorite quotes that I've been hooked in and found some awesome books. So, I hope favorites help spread the book love too! This is a list of my favorite quotes from books I read in 2018 in no particular order.

“Actually, last time you were hung,” Gage mumbled. Sometimes I wanted to whap him with a shoe. This was one of those times.
“The point here is more about the dying, Gage, but thanks for your commitment to details.”
~REN: Reposed (REN #2) by Brittany Quagan
I highly recommend this series! 5 stars! Here are my reviews...

“Phoebe, the fact that I asked you to be a chaperone should have made it obvious that I didn’t want a chaperone at all.”
“I have no desire to be one,” Phoebe retorted. “However, the children are asking why you’re taking so long, and I can’t very well explain to them that you’re a libidinous goat.”
“No,” Gabriel replied, “because then you would sound like a parsimonious prig.”
Pandora was perplexed by the quick, fond grins the siblings exchanged after the sharp words.
~Devil in Spring (The Ravenels #3) by Lisa Kleypas
This series is a favorite guilty pleasure of mine! I can easily disappear into these books. Here are my reviews...
"Bravery is a choice, Miss Bridges. It's not inherent or given. It's a choice we make. And real courage is tested not by those who simply make hard choices but by those who stand by them. Even in the face of fear and recrimination."
~Tia Saunders The Truth About Us
This is an excellent story with a main character we can all relate to. My review of this book...
"When he spoke to her using his holier-than-thou my-father-is-Speaker-for-the-Directorate tone, she remembered why she had once shot a fireball at his head."
~ Burning Bright by Chris Cannon
“Your daughter lacks manners,” Adden said.
“Hurt her and you’ll be lacking your balls,” Bryn’s mom growled through the phone.
Adden blinked. “I see where she gets it from.
~ Burning Bright by Chris Cannon
“You’ve caused yet another mess—” Ferrin started.
“Keep yelling at me, and I’ll name your grandchildren after my parents,” Bryn shot back.
~ Burning Bright by Chris Cannon
Bryn sighed . “Promise me you won’t run off and do something dangerous…without me.”
“A normal female would have ended that sentence two words earlier.”
~ Burning Bright by Chris Cannon
I am so completely addicted to each and every book in this series. There's no way I could post just one quote. Not possible.
Here are my reviews from this series...
“You make me wish I were alive so that I could feel my heart beating in response to just seeing you."
~ Hotline to Hell by Emily Cyr
I've loved everything I've read from this author so far. This one is no exception. I can't wait for more of her books. Check out my review of...
“Sorry, but this guy is literally choosing to advertise Lord of the Rings on his body. I don’t think there’s going to be a whole lot of common ground.”
~ The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli
My review of...
I feel responsible. I am responsible. Oh no. This is my fault. I’ve turned my sister into an online ho!”
~ Seized by Love at Seaside (The Ryders #1)
by Addison Cole
by Addison Cole
My review of...
Me: And still, you avoid the question. Do you think she’s pretty?
When I look up, he’s staring at her once more. His hand is fisted and the muscles in his neck flex. Finally, he turns his attention to his phone to reply.
Torin: Pretty is one word and she is many. Beautiful. Alluring. Appealing. Charming. Cute. Dazzling. Delicate. Delightful. Elegant. Exquisite. Fascinating. Fine. Gorgeous. Graceful. Lovely. Magnificent. Marvelous. Pleasing. Splendid. Stunning. Wonderful. Superb. Angelic. Bewitching. Classy. Divine. Excellent. Enticing. Foxy. Fair. Pulchritudinous. Radiant. Ravishing. Resplendent. Shapely. Beautiful.
I laugh and Casey shoots me a shy smile before turning back to the movie.
Me: You said beautiful twice.
Torin: It needed to be said twice.
This book was one of a kind. You must truly understand and savor its characters to fully appreciate them.
I used to hear about plane crashes and wondered how the victims felt in the seconds before impact, wondered what it was like to know you were about to die.
Now I know. And I’d give anything not to.
I knew those people from school. Every. Single. One.
They aren’t faceless names. They are people and they are dead.
~ Feel Me Fall by James Morris
All I can say is, This author knew exactly what he was doing.
My review of...
“Every good story needs a villain.
But the best villains are the ones you secretly like.”
~ Legendary by Stephanie Garber
Expect the unexpected in this trilogy. Check out my review of...
Expect the unexpected in this trilogy. Check out my review of...
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