Genre: Adult Fiction/Non-Fiction (Historical/Christian)
Date Published: September 22, 2015
Publisher: Zondervan

What can Jezebel, the Bible s wickedest queen, reveal about God s holiness and power and even about his sense of humor? What about the Woman at the Well the one with five husbands and a live-in lover? And what of the prostitute whose tears bathe the feet of Jesus in front of people who despise her?
There are also wicked good women like Deborah, Ruth, Hannah, Abigail, Esther, Mary, and more. What do their lives tell us about God s invincible love and his determined plan to save us?
In Wicked Women of the Bible Ann Spangler tells the stories of twenty wicked and wicked good women in greater detail. At the end of each story, Ann provides a brief section including additional historical and cultural background as well as a brief Bible study in order to enhance the book s appeal to both individuals and groups.
The stories of these women of the Bible reveal a God who is not above it all but who stoops down to meet us where we are in order to extend his love and mercy."

Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler gives us a brief look into the lives of many women of the Bible. Each woman's story isn't very long, but let's face it, we don't have too many details on many of them either, so this book takes what we know happened and fictionally fills in some of those spaces with what might have happened or been said. This is a combination of fiction and non fiction, because along with these stories with their fictional aspects, the book also give an account of the times. I love books like this, because it brings Biblical people to life and makes me search the Bible for more info on them. It's always interesting to see how people so far back in history really aren't that different from us today. We make the same mistakes... do the same stupid things. Good or wicked... we're all still people, no matter what time period we lived in.

Ann Spangler is the best-selling author of numerous books, including Praying the Names of God, Women of the Bible, and Finding the Peace God Promises. An award-winning writer, Ann’s books have sold millions of copies over the course of her writing career. The mission of her books is to help readers strengthen their connection with God by encountering him in Scripture.
Before becoming a writer, Ann was an acquiring editor at various Christian publishers. From her unique perspective as an author and publishing professional, she believes readers are looking for well-written books that address the deep spiritual hungers that characterize our world.
She is the mother of two teenage daughters, both of whom were born in mainland China. In her spare time (what is spare time?), she loves to read, have dinner with friends, spend time on Lake Michigan’s beautiful beaches, travel, and stream British TV shows. An admitted Anglophile, she harbors deep prejudices in favor of anything British.
To learn more about Ann Spangler and her books, visit her website. You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter.
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