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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Book Review! Glow of the Fireflies by Lindsey Duga

Glow of the Fireflies by Lindsey Duga
Genre: Young Adult (Fantasy)
Date Published: October 1, 2019
Publisher: Entangled Teen

Briony never planned to go back to the place she lost everything.

Firefly Valley, nestled deep within the Smoky Mountains, is better kept in her past. After an unexplained fire gave Briony amnesia, her mother disappeared and her dad moved them to Knoxville.

But now her grandmother needs a caretaker and Briony’s dad volunteers her to help. The moment she returns, her whole world shifts. She feels a magical connection to this valley, as if it’s literally part of her somehow.

And when she meets a hot guy who claims he was her childhood friend but now mysteriously keeps his distance, Briony starts piecing together her missing past…and discovers her mother didn’t leave to start a new life somewhere. She’s trapped in the hidden world within the valley.

Now, Briony will do whatever it takes to rescue her, even if it means standing up against dangerously powerful nature spirits. Even if it means giving up her first love. 

Glow of the Fireflies by Lindsey Duga had a wonderful premise, full of wimsy. I really liked how the book started and where it seemed to be going. Somewhere along the way it started to lose my attention though. I don't really understand the behavior of a character or two. Their motives weren't clear. Also, what was the point behind Briony's memory loss? It seems as if it was done to her on purpose. Why?  I enjoyed Briony and Alder though. They were cute, and the friendship between Briony and Izzy was quirky and fun. I had high hopes for this story, but i feel like I missed something key somewhere. 

The ARC of Glow of the Fireflies by Lindsey Duga was kindly provided to me by the publisher for review. The opinions are my own.

Lindsey Duga is a middle grade and young adult writer with a passion for fantasy, science fiction, and basically any genre that takes you away from the real world. She wrote her first novel in college while she was getting her bachelor’s in Mass Communication from Louisiana State University.

Other than writing and cuddling with her morkie puppy, Delphi, Lindsey loves catching up on the latest superhero TV show and practicing yoga.

To learn more about Lindsey Duga and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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