Genre: Adult Fiction (Urban Fantasy)
Date Published: May 31, 2018
Publisher: SilverWoodSketches

"I shouldn't have to tell you this isn't a fairy story..."
After her parents' car crash ten years before, Amie Wentworth trusts books more than people. She may be a writer, but she believes in reality over fiction. She ignores the unexplained mysteries surrounding her, never mind the dreams of a past life, or the fact she can fry technology with a touch. Not even a timely invitation from her long-lost uncle in England gives Amie incentive for anything other than ire.
Until she is stabbed in an alley and brought back to life by a handsome stranger. Soon Amie is dragged into the very sort of tale she is used to selling. To make matters worse, the man who saved her life keeps turning up and her would-be-murderer is still at large.
After crossing the Atlantic to her father’s homeland, she discovers a world beyond imagining. Silver Hollow is a place of ancient traditions and supernatural dangers, where everything is the opposite of what it seems and few escape sane. Faced with an impossible choice, Amie is forced to confront a deadly family legacy while remembering a life she soon wishes to forget.
**Previously published in 2012. This NEW EDITION has been FULLY REVISED AND EXPANDED. The original novel is now no longer available.**

Silver Hollow is the first book in the Borderlands Saga by Jennifer Silverwood. This is certainly an interesting & magical little world.There was some slow bits that dragged a little, but other than that it was just as much of an adventure for me as it was for Amie as she figured out her heritage and who she really is. As the reader, you'll figure it out long before she does, but it's still fun. There are many secrets. You'll meet several characters through this story, but be careful who you trust! *wink* I'm excited about this series, and I'm already looking forward to the next book!

What was the weirdest thing you had to google while doing research?
Some of the words in Silver Hollow are odd, as you’ll notice. What most people may not realize is about half the words in the Glossary are Medieval English. A few personal favorites include:
- Chitty-face: A person with a thin, pinched face; a term of contempt.
- Kiss the Hare’s Foot: To be so late as to miss dinner; to eat left-over scraps.
- Waghalter- A rogue likely to swing in a gallows.
Which of your characters do you relate to most and why?
Amie, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I wrote this book for myself and my twin best friends originally, based on ourselves. It was obvious wish-fulfillment fantasy for me in 2012. I longed to have the courage to go on adventures, to take risks. Amie is much more her own character this time around, but some of her experiences also reflect my personal journey. And I think many 20-somethings can relate to that feeling of disillusionment.
What book have you read too many times to count?
Beauty, by Robin McKinley. I’ve marked milestones in my life with that book and find something lovely and inspiring within its pages every re-read.
What is the best piece of writing advice you ever received?
There’s no perfect formula for the perfect book. While you can try to “write to market,” as they say, you also need to write the book that’s true to you. Trends are constantly changing. Write about what you love, whether that’s paranormal alien shifters or medieval epic vampire slayers.
If you could hop into the life of any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. It was my favorite movie as a child and I always wanted Dorothy to stay in Oz afterward. That would be the thing I’d change if I was her. I would stay in Oz, like the wizard. Also I would keep the shoes.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I blame my husband for this one, but a guilty pleasure for me is an hour playing Skyrim: Elder Scrolls 5. If I’m lucky and have a moment, I catch up on television I’ve missed out on. And if I’m feeling creative, I’ll draw. You can check out my Deviantart if you fancy, only please be kind 😊 I’m not nearly as disciplined with my art as I used to be. And while this isn’t part of the question, I would really love to pick up piano again.

To learn more about Jennifer Silverwood and her books, visit her website & blog.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter.

PRIZE PACK #1: 1 winner will receive new Silver Hollow swag, themed bookmarks, stickers, bookish themed tote, and B&N Illustrated Hardcover Editions of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and The Story of King Arthur & His Knights (US only)
PRIZE PACK #2: 1 winner will receive signed swag (mainly Silver Hollow and Wylder Tales), ebooks of the Wylder Tales Collection, and a free voucher for Bound Beauty to be published later in 2018 (open internationally)
ENDS: June 6th

Hi! I really enjoyed your interview, thank you for the fun questions :) I love your blog, btw! I remember visiting years ago, I think, and I still love it. Grabbed your button for my book blog :D
ReplyDeleteNow, finally, I have offer a thousand magical thanks for your honest review! It always makes me happy when readers love my books, but especially when my fellow bloggers are wonderful enough to share their opinion. I am so happy you enjoyed Amie's adventure! Now I need to get cracking on Blackbriar Cove ;)
Happy Reading!
Oh my goodness! Somehow, I completely missed your comment here. Thank you so much! I think I spend entirely too much time tinkering with this blog, but it's fun. lol!! Also, thank you for the opportunity to review your book! I'm looking forward to seeing what's next for Amie! ;-) Thank you!