One thing that seems to go hand in hand with reading, is drinking tea. Hot Tea, Cold Tea, Gourmet Tea... Book readers seem to like their tea any way you brew it.
I recently got the opportunity to try some different teas from a company that's new to me called Adagio Teas.
They are doing something pretty cool that attracted me from the start. They've started a line of Fandom Teas. Twilight Fans. Harry Potter Fans. Even some TV shows & movies have their own blends. There are so may different fandoms to choose from, and if you don't see what your looking for, you can easily create it yourself. The loose tea comes in fun little tins and everything.

This one was tasty and smells amazing. I'm a fan of chai in general, and I guess I can add Honeybush Pumpkin Chai to the list of likes. I love Iced Chai, and while I haven't tried this one on ice yet, I bet it would be great chilled with a little milk. I'm already looking forward to trying it that way. Yum!
Expectro Petronum was my favorite of the flavors so far. It smelled like a Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie and tasted like a tea version of the cookie. The heat from the tea and the coolness from the mint with hints of chocolate contrasted themselves nicely. And the smell? Heavenly.
Have you seen the tins? I love the tins for The Jane Austen Mafia and Expectro Petronum the best so far. There are some other tins that I really liked too. Eye of the Tiger and Leia Organa Solo, among so many others. The artwork on the tins was what pulled everything together and added some fun and whimsy to the teas.

I decided to be brave and create a What's Beyond Forks? blend too. Am I an expert tea creater? Umm... no. Thankfully, you don't have to be to create your own blends. Like the others, this one smelled wonderful. In fact, I'm thinking of getting one of those simmering potpourri pots. We had one in the house growing up, and they smelled the house up nicely. This blend would be perfect for simmering.
One more thing, and I think this is the thing I like the most about this company so far. When you create your own blend, you can opt to donate 5% of the earnings to the charity of your choice. For my What's Beyond Forks Tea Time blend, I chose: Pets of the Homeless.
I enjoyed these teas quite a bit. They tasted delicious. I think there's a flavor for every preference, especially when you have the option of creating your own blend. Do you have a hard to buy for Twi-Fan or Potterhead in your life? These teas with the lovely tins are a wonderful gift idea and just in time for Chrismas!
This selection of herbal teas was kindly provided to me by Adagio Teas for review. The opinions are my own.
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