Genre: New Adult (Paranormal/Fantasy Romance)
Date Published: July 23, 2014
Publisher: Self
Ever since her trip to New Orleans, Ivy Grace’s life just hasn’t been the same. Her magic is stronger, her stories more popular than ever, but something is missing.
After she opens a forgotten inheritance from her grandmother, she learns the key to who she is and who should have her heart is in Charleston. She travels to the romantic city in search of answers, only this time everything she cherishes is at stake. Can Ivy’s Time Spell answer all her questions or will it bring her and her family closer to danger?
In a race against time Ivy does all she can to rid the world of the darkest evil and save the men she loves.

Top Ten Love Triangles
Love triangles. Some people hate them. Some people love them. Despite what angle you take you on the topic, it’s hard to argue that love triangles aren’t a compelling storyline. The Ivy Grace Spell Series has its own unique twist on a the three-way love split. I wanted to do something a little different. A little less angsty. Nonetheless, the Ivy-Jack-Finn storyline fits the geometric romance category of love triangle. Fire Spell focuses more on the relationship dynamics, so I compiled a Top Ten of some of my favorite TV, movie, and literary love triangles.
In no particular order...
1. Edward-Bella-Jacob (Twilight)
Is there another triangle that created so many competitive T-shirt designs as the epic Twilight Saga crew? Whether you are Team Jacob or Team Edward it’s hard to read (or watch) without being drawn into the mixed up heart of Bella Swan and her boys.
2. Stefan-Elena-Damon (The Vampire Diaries)
What is it about vampires that creates such angsty storylines? This is no ordinary triangle. This is sibling rivalry at its best. Elena falls for one brother only to discover the other might be her soul mate.
3. Peeta-Katniss-Gale (The Hunger Games)
Even in a depressing dystopian society, love can thrive in two different directions.
4. Mr. Darcy-Bridget-Daniel Cleaver (Bridge Jones’s Diary)
It’s no secret I sneak Bridget into any blog post I can. I can’t ignore the sassy triangle Bridget was a part of. She managed to make awkward comical and quirky romantic.
5. Jack-Kate-Sawyer (Lost)
Poor Kate. She was stranded on an island with those two. The Lost heroine had the worst luck.
6. Eric-Sookie-Bill (True Blood)
Things got hotter in Bon Temps when Sookie’s affections broadened to include the True Blood Viking vampire.
7. Ben-Felicity-Noel (Felicity)
College drama love triangles have never been so fun or so whisper soft as watching these three fall in and out of love.
8. Angel-Buffy-Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
One of the original vampire love stories that I fell in love with years ago. Buffy knew how to fight and how to love, no matter who the target.
9. Ian-Melanie-Jared (The Host)
You could make the argument that this love story runs along more than three points. Whether invading someone else’s body as an alien, or just trying to make it to the next day, love found a way to be bloom even in a dark cave system.
10. Big-Carrie-Aiden (Sex and the City)
Go Big, or go home I say when it comes to love triangles. What story tore more hearts in two than watching Carrie pine over Big, then Aiden, then Big again? Epic.
Check out my reviews of other books by T.A. Foster!
T.A. Foster is a Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children and two canine kiddos.
Her long love affair with books started at an early age, and as soon as she was able, she transformed imaginative stories into words on paper. Time Spell is T.A.’s debut novel, and the first in a series about a very adventurous, clever, and magical girl named Ivy.
T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing or planning her next beach trip.
Great list of love triangles. Done well they are amazing.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I didn't even know Carrie and Big was in love triangle with some guy haha :D
ReplyDeleteThank you both for stopping by :) :)