How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing since my daughter was six years old. She’s now 24. Gads, times flies when you’re having fun, right?
What inspired you to write your first book?
I’d been an avid reader of romance novels and romantic movies way before I realized I wanted to write. Because I’d been reading so much romance, I expected the movies to have a happily ever after. Well, such was not the case when I watched a movie one evening and it did not end happily ever after. Why would the movie producers make their audience fall in love with the hero and heroine if they were not going to end up together in the end? I went to bed angry that night only to have a dream. For a few years I’d been having movie-like dreams anyway but never thought anything about them. But when I awoke and realized my dream would make a better movie than the one I’d watched, that’s when the idea hit me… You could write a story. So I picked up a notebook and pencil (I didn’t have a computer back then) and wrote my dream. That book kick-started my muse. I had so much fun writing the story I just couldn’t stop at one. In that first year of writing, I wrote a good ten stories!
Which of your characters do you relate to most and why?
I don’t related to any of my historical heroines – except for being headstrong. lol But the two contemporary heroine I relate to are the ones in my romantic comedies – “Winning Mr Wrong” and “Dreaming of You”. Charlene in “Winning Mr Wrong” is a little clumsy in how she goes about getting her man. I was like that too – always doing the silly thing instead of the smart thing. And Katelyn in “Dreaming of You” is a daydreamer. She’s a writer who is always having daydreams of her hero…even if they make no sense and they’re silly. Yep, that’s me all the way!
What is a secret about you that nobody else knows?
I’m an open book. I really don’t think there is anything my readers don’t know. Hahaha Okay, there is one – but if I tell you, it won’t be a secret anymore, will it? I’ll give you a hint… I wasn’t always a sweet / Christian romance writer.
What book have you read too many times to count?
It would have to be the first romance book I have ever read – the one that made me fall in love with romance novels. “A Rose In Winter” by Kathleen E Woodiwiss.
What is the best piece of writing advice you ever received?
Never give up! There are times as a writer when we just want to throw up our hands and give up. We can’t make everyone happy no matter what we do, and getting bad reviews is depressing. But…if writing is something you love to do, then NEVER GIVE UP!
If you could hop into the life of any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Oh, this one is easy! I’d definitely like to be Elizabeth Bennet from “Pride and Prejudice”. Why? So I can meet and fall in love with Mr. Darcy!! Well…as long as he is the one played by Colin Firth, of course. lol
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
How much I enjoy throwing the readers off. I love writing a little mystery and suspense in my stories. Not all of them have this, but most of them do. I love hearing from readers that they didn’t expect the ending. That they love my twists and turns.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
“Like” to do? Nothing! I love writing that much! But when I’m not writing, I’m usually spending time with my grandchildren or my husband…or I’m at my full-time day job.
Are any of the things in your books based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
I’ve never thought my life was interesting enough to write about, so all my stories are from my imagination!

Since Marie Higgins was a little girl playing Barbies with her sister, Stacey, she has loved the adventure of making up romantic stories. Marie was only eighteen years old when she wrote her first skit, which won an award for Funniest Skit. A little later in life, after she’d married and had children, Marie wrote Church roadshows that were judged as Funniest and Best Written. From there, she branched out to write full-length novels based on her dreams. (Yes, she says, her dreams really are that silly)
Marie has been married for twenty-six years to a wonderful man. Together, they have three loving daughters and several beautiful grandchildren. Marie works full time for the state of Utah, where she has lived her entire life. Marie plans to keep writing, because the characters in her head won’t shut up. But her husband smiles and pretends this is normal.
Take My Heart by Marie Higgins was provided to me by Book Blast Promotions for review. The opinions are my own.
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