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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Book Review: Overcast by Ryan O'Riordan

 Genre: Young Adult (Mystery/Adventure)

Overcast is the first book in the The 01:23 Bardo Series by Ryan O'Riordan. After the disappearance of her brother, Rebecca has spent most of her time daydreaming of an alternate reality where her brother is in hiding from a man who wants him dead and together they run around solving mysteries. Before she knows it her own world starts changing, and the things she imagined in her daydreams are making their way into her real life.

Rebecca's daydreams enable her to escape into her own little world and ignore the fact that her brother is missing. In her mind, they are solving mysteries and beating the bad guys, but most importantly they are together again. As things from her imagination start to happen, reality and fantasy begin to mesh together. The unfolding of the story is a fun little fantasy all it's own. Who hasn't wanted to escape reality and live in their daydreams at one time or another? I never really figured out what was real and what was not when it was all said and done, but I do have a theory or two as to what I think could be happening. I guess we'll have to see as the series progresses. Overcast is an entertaining mystery that takes you on an adventure that doesn't stop just because the book ends.

To learn more about Ryan O'Riordan and his books, visit his website. You can also find him on Twitter.

Overcast by Ryan O'Riordan was provided to me by the author for review. The opinions are my own.

You can also see this review on Examiner

1 comment :

  1. This sounds like an interesting read. I enjoy a good mystery and the plot has me intrigued. Thanks for sharing!



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