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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Im Blogging.

Reading a great book and not telling others about it is worse than not reading it at all. When I started writing for Examiner as a Young Adult Fiction Examiner, I thought it might be fun to share the books I enjoyed reading with others and it is. In fact, it created a monster. At Examiner, I write about young adult fiction only, but I enjoy reading many different types of fiction. Even though Young Adult books are my favorite,  I like variety when it comes to books. And, Sometimes I want to talk about those other books too. While a great portion of my reviews here will probably be about Young Adult books, this blog gives me that outlet to talk about whatever I may be reading.

I'm a sucker for a pretty cover.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you come back again and again. If you have questions about Examiner, any of my posts, or just want to chit chat,drop me a line.

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