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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Book Review! My Name Is Rose by Alexa Kingaard

My Name Is Rose by Alexa Kingaard
Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary)
Date Published: March 15, 2019
Publisher: Acorn Publishing

Rose is unsettled, curious, and bored. Life in a hippie commune is her parent’s dream come true, not hers. She doesn’t share their passion for living off the land, nor does she enjoy the isolation that is thrust upon her. When she convinces them to send her to public school in the nearby town, a new world opens up to her.

As she pursues her education, Rose chooses a different path, leaving her parents heartbroken at her insistence they are hiding something from her. She’s convinced her father isn’t the man her mother married.

Although she finds love far away from her roots and upbringing, her wounds only deepen as she keeps her family at arm’s length. What she loses during those years can only be retrieved with her understanding that “a Rose by any other name is still a Rose.”

My Name Is Rose by Alexa Kingaard is the story of a girl, growing up and finding her own way. Rose has been raised in a commune and always knew she wanted to explore life away from it once she grew up. The story goes back and forth from the past, with Rose's perspective as a young girl, to the present with Rose all grown up. It takes you on a journey with her through all the ups and downs of life as she finds her way. She's very relatable through all her phases. I think we can a see a bit of ourselves in her. This book was very well told, and it's not an easy one to put down. It felt like I was reading someone's true life story.

The ARC of My Name Is Rose by Alexa Kingaard was kindly provided to me by Xpresso Book Tours for review. The opinions are my own.

I THOUGHT IT INTERESTING that Glory never asked how I planned to pay for my college education and River never brought it up. I guess my mother didn’t share everything with him, and I didn’t want to ruin the glow she was wearing or tarnish the rare mother-daughter moment we had shared.

“Rose, do you have a moment?”

I pushed shoes and boots out of the way that made it harder than normal to bypass the heap. Winter downpours saturated the ground, one storm in particular almost tearing off the roof. Rain boots, down jackets, and wet towels were wedged between the threshold and the porch to keep water from seeping under the door. I kicked a path to the living room as I peeled off my wet jacket and lace-up boots.

“Of course, I do. Now?”

“Now would be good. Coffee’s on.”

My body tensed, hoping for no bad news.

“Sit.” Glory motioned to the couch. She had already arranged the pillows and cleared the coffee table of the piles of paper and envelopes that grew with every mail delivery. She didn’t seem upset or sad, but I still braced myself.

“I bet you think I wasn’t listening or cared when you told me about your acceptance to San Francisco State. I needed to talk to your father first. It took him awhile to agree and see the logic.”

She poured the coffee from the carafe into my two favorite mugs. I could tell she had prepared the scene.

“I wasn’t sure why River didn’t say anything to me. I tried to handle everything myself. Scholarships, tuition, room and board. It’s a lot. Counselors at school have been trying to help.”

“Now they don’t have to.” Glory removed a letter from the pocket of her apron and slowly opened it. The corners of her mouth turned upward, a wide smile emerged, and I prepared myself to hear something good.

“I never went to college. Not because I couldn’t get accepted or pay for tuition. My parents had started a college fund for me when I was born. Both of them threw it in my face the day I left home, and conversations between my mother and I have been scarce ever since.”
I thought I detected a change in Glory’s facial expression. My scalp started to tingle as I realized my mother was about to go somewhere that conjured up less than pleasant memories for her. She took a deep breath before reading the letter.

“I’m just going to read this letter I received from your grandmother the other day in response to the one I had written her. No need to go into too much detail.”

I sank deep into the fluffed pillows behind my back, pulled my knees up to my chin, and wrapped my hands around the steaming mug of coffee to thaw my hands and still my pounding heart. My mother began.

Alexa Kingaard was born in San Diego, CA and has lived most of her life in the area. She currently resides in Carlsbad and is the mother of a son and daughter who continue to be her biggest fans and cheerleaders.

Her debut novel, KEEP FOREVER, was inspired by her late ex-husband who battled the residual effects of the Vietnam War for decades after his return. The burden he brought home is shared by combat veterans of all conflicts, and her fictional account highlights the collateral damage encountered by family members and loved ones living with PTSD in their midst.

Her second novel, MY NAME IS ROSE, departs from her personal experiences and focuses on the collective memories of her generation. She loves writing about nostalgia and the human condition, the common denominator of our lives.

To learn more about Alexa Kingaard and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Audiobook Review! The Gate to Eden by Cathy McDavid

The Gate to Eden by Cathy McDavid
Audiobook, 10 Hours and 33 Minutes (also in Paperback and ebook)
Genre: Adult Fiction (Western/Historical Romance)
Date Published: January 12, 2019
Publisher: Self

Expert crackshot Maddie Campbell will do whatever it takes to survive in this female Robin-Hood-of-the-Old-West story - including evading bounty-hunter-for-hire Scott McSween who's intent on bringing her in.

Not your ordinary thief, widow and mother Maddie Campbell likes to think her wealthy victims are merely "donating" to herself and the hundreds of other widows and children left abandoned by the mining company after a devastating accident took the lives of their menfolk. Maddie's secret excursions are quite successful...until ruggedly handsome former lawman Scott McSween arrives in Eden to investigate the recent string of crimes. 

Despite her efforts to throw him off track, they can't resist each other. He knows she's somehow involved and is determined to draw out all her secrets in the most exquisite ways - with soft caresses and passionate kisses. But when finally confronted with the truth - that Maddie is actually the thief he's been hired to hunt down and bring in - will Scott choose the woman he loves or his duty to the law?

The Gate to Eden by Cathy McDavid was like a Western reverse Robin Hood. Maddie steals from the rich and gives to her poor community. They've had tragedy and are close to starving. Scott is sent in to find the criminals. The romance was pretty instant. It seemed more lusty than any true feelings, but they did have some good chemistry. The characters and their world were well built. I could envision it easily. This was an entertaining story. The narrator's style reminded me of William Shatner at times. I heard on the radio that today was International Sound Like William Shatner Day, so it was fun and perfect timing. 

The Gate to Eden by Cathy McDavid was kindly provided to me by Prism Book Tours for review. The opinions are my own.

Edenville, Arizona Territory 1887

THADDEUS NEWLIN DIDN'T LIKE prostitutes. He'd worked too hard and too long building his empire only to risk losing it by succumbing to some dreadful disease acquired from a barroom whore.

He did, however, like women and partook of their pleasure as often as his pressing schedule allowed. Young women with long hair, ample curves, and clear skin were his preference. And innocent — if only in looks. No soiled doves ever found their way beneath his blankets.

His secretary, Zachariah Forrester, had assumed the task of procuring this evening's entertainment, as he always did when the mood for companionship struck Thaddeus. Mr. Forrester recruited from the residences and ranches of whatever town they happened to be visiting. As times were tough and money tight, he seldom encountered any difficulty locating a willing female who fit his boss's exacting specifications. Then, like all good secretaries, he conveniently disappeared for several hours after escorting the young woman to the steps of Thaddeus's private railroad car. Neither did he ask any bothersome questions at the end of the night, regardless of the woman's disheveled condition.

"Very nice," Thaddeus said as he watched the pretty little thing standing in front of him slip the narrow sleeves of her camisole off her pale shoulders. Mr. Forrester had done well tonight, and Thaddeus considered giving his secretary a bonus.

"I ain't never been with a man like this before," the woman said shyly, lowering her eyes to the richly carpeted floor. "You're my first ... you know."

Thaddeus doubted the truth of her statement. She might not be a prostitute in the strictest sense of the word, but she'd certainly done this before. The large nipples visible through the material of her camisole and the roundness of her belly attested to previous childbirth. Not that Thaddeus cared. In fact, he preferred experienced women. Just not worldly.

"You don't have to be nervous, my dear." He played along with her pretense. "I promise to be gentle." And he would be gentle. Until the end.

She lifted one stocking clad foot and placed it on the edge of the pinstriped settee, near to his leg. Thaddeus felt himself stirring and smiled. He might be past his prime and have only half the hair atop his head he did at twenty, but he'd not yet lost his ability to perform.

Reaching out a large hand, he stroked her smooth, and surprisingly muscular, calf. "Why don't we see what we can do about removing this stocking?" The woman — he couldn't quite remember her name — pressed a knuckle to her lips. "It were a long walk here from my place. Can I use the ... the ... chamber pot first?" It clearly pained her to have to ask for the convenience.

"Of course. It's in there." He pointed toward a door leading to his sleeping quarters.

She ducked behind the door, quiet as a mouse. No sense wasting time, Thaddeus thought and kicked off his boots. Next, he stood, removed his pants, and tossed them aside. They landed haphazardly on the elegant cherry wood rocker he'd had shipped all the way from Boston last year. By the time he completed undressing, he'd begun to wonder what was detaining his lovely guest.

Wearing only his long underwear, he walked to the door of his sleeping quarters and knocked. "Are you all right, my dear?"

His only answer was a soft scuffling sound.

"Hello." He knocked again, and the brass knob twisted. Thaddeus smiled and moved away from the opening door. "There you are."

"So, I am."

The door swung wide, and the smile on Thaddeus's face died as the end of a Colt revolver was jammed into his protruding gut.

"Mr. Newlin. I can see by yer startled expression ye weren't expecting me." The muffled voice behind the kerchief mask covering most of the man's features bubbled with false cheer.

Thaddeus instinctively moved backwards, stumbling as he did. The point of the revolver followed his every move. "What do you want?" he demanded, sounding less authoritative than he would have liked.

"Ack, man. Are ye always in such a hurry?"

The end of the revolver continued to prod Thaddeus, forcing him to retreat. Eventually, the backs of his knees hit the settee, and he sat down, rather unceremoniously.

A second man followed the first one into the room, toting a burlap sack, the contents of which Thaddeus found impossible to determine. Just before the door closed, he thought he heard a muffled female cry. They must have subdued the woman in some manner after breaking in and overtaking her. Perhaps the stupid bitch could yet serve a purpose.

"The woman in there. You can have her if you leave this minute without harming me."

The first man turned to the second one. "Did ye hear that? Mr. Newlin has offered us the use o' his lady friend in exchange fer his life. What say ye to the deal?"

Lifting the edge of his mask to reveal his mouth, the man spit on the floor.

"Sorry, Mr. Newlin." The first man leveled the revolver at Thaddeus's nose with a hand steady as an iron post. "Seems me pal isn't inclined to take yer offer, generous as it tis. What else have ye bring to the bargaining table?"

"Money," Thaddeus sputtered. He despised being strong armed. Especially by a pair of thugs. Fury and frustration boiled inside him.

"Money is always good," the man said, a smile in his voice. "We accept. The only question now is how much."

He was of medium height and lanky. No more than a kid, really. Thaddeus took care to observe small details so that he could recount an accurate description of his robbers to the sheriff later. The man's cohort was shorter and stockier and appeared somewhat older. But not by much. They were both dirty and smelled like they hadn't so much as touched a drop of bath water since the ringing in of the New Year two months earlier.

Their clothes were ragged and ill-fitting. Between their masks and hats, only their eyes showed. The first man's twinkled with amusement. The second man's burned with a hatred so strong, Thaddeus's blood ran cold, and he wasn't a man to scare easily. Good God, what had he ever done to inspire such loathing?

"My wallet is in the pocket of my pants," he said, indicating his discarded garment with a slight tilt of his head. "There's a hundred dollars in it. Maybe more."

"Ooh! A hundred dollars. Did ye hear that?" Though he addressed his cohort, the man's gaze didn't veer from Thaddeus.

The second man made a sound of disgust and dropped the burlap sack on the floor.

"I'm afraid I share the same opinion as me pal over there." The first man cocked the revolver and pressed the tip of it into the side of Thaddeus's nose. "Most people would be tellin' ye I'm a poor excuse fer a shot. However, I'm thinkin' at this close range, even I won't miss."

Sweat dripped from Thaddeus's temples. He could feel it slide down his jaw and along the sides of his neck. Yet he couldn't bring himself to disclose the location of his store of cash.

In a move so quick Thaddeus barely had time to flinch, the man lifted his weapon and shot a gilded mirror mounted on the wall behind the settee. Then he promptly returned the revolver point to Thaddeus's nose.

"Shall we try this again?" The eyes drilling into him no longer twinkled and the voice had lost all joviality. "Where's yer money?"

The ringing in Thaddeus's ears was deafening. He was only vaguely aware of glass shards continuing to rain on his head and shoulders. He made an attempt at speech, but the words coming from his mouth made no sense. Taking several short breaths, he tried again.

"The company payroll is being kept in the third car behind the engine. Hidden in an overhead compartment."

"And being guarded by a half-dozen men dressed as passengers. Ye think we don't know that?"

Thaddeus briefly wondered how two such disreputable low lives learned of a payroll transfer he'd thought kept diligently under wraps. Obviously, there was a leak in his office of some magnitude.

"We're here fer yer personal money." The man shifted the point of the gun from Thaddeus's nose to his left eye. "Now, where is it?"

"My sleeping quarters. The wardrobe." He embarrassed himself by gulping. "There's a false bottom."

"Get it," the man barked and instantly, the second man disappeared through the door.

He emerged a minute later waving a fistful of bills which Thaddeus knew amounted to almost a thousand dollars.

"Get the money in his wallet, too," the first man said, still leveling the gun at Thaddeus's eye.

The second man did as he was told and when he had all the bills together, stuffed them into a small leather bag tied to his waist.

"Stand up," the first man said, moving aside, but not lowering the revolver.

"What's going on?" Thaddeus demanded.

"Please don't waste anymore o' me time, Mr. Newlin." The man sighed tiredly. "We're in a hurry."

Thaddeus stood slowly, fear twisting his belly. These men were planning something and instinct told him it wouldn't bode well for him.

"Now strip," the man ordered.

"Just a damn min —" Thaddeus's protest died when the end of the revolver poked into his neck.

"Ye heard me, man. Strip. And be quick about it."

With effort, he lifted his hands and one by one, unfastened the buttons of his long underwear. Shucking his arms out of the sleeves, he pushed the top half down around his middle.

"We're waiting, Mr. Newlin."

The second man bent and opened the burlap sack. He then extracted several lengths of coiled rope.

"What are you going to do with those?"

"Don't worry yerself, Mr. Newlin. We're just havin' a bit o' fun. I promise, no permanent harm will come to ye." The man's voice hardened further, if that were possible. "Unlike yer plans fer the lass in there. Heard tell, yer love makin' leans toward the rough side."

Damnation! Where had they learned so much about his business and his personal habits? First thing in the morning, Thaddeus would have every single employee of his questioned, including his secretary, Mr. Forrester.

"Sit," the man said when Thaddeus had completely disrobed, and inclined his head toward the settee.

Thaddeus did as instructed.

"Feet apart."

"See here!"

"Feet apart, I said." The man stepped ruthlessly on the toes of Thaddeus's left foot with the heel of a boot.

Crying out, Thaddeus complied. The second man came forward and made quick work of tying both Thaddeus's ankles to the decorative wooden legs of the settee.

"Hands next," the first man said, and Thaddeus's wrists were bound in similar fashion to the fabric covered arm rests.

"T'is that not a pretty sight?" the first man asked, stepping back to view the whole of Thaddeus.

All four of his limbs were stretched to their limits, leaving him completely exposed. His face burned with a mixture of anger and shame.

"So help me, God, you will pay for this," he hollered.

"Undoubtedly, Mr. Newlin. But t'will be God and not you who judges and punishes us."

"When I get my —"

"Gag him," the man interrupted and holstered his revolver.

The second man produced a kerchief from his pants pocket, which he attempted to cram in Thaddeus's mouth. Thaddeus refused to cooperate and bit down hard. The man grabbed his chin and wrenched his jaw open. The cloth was filthy, like the men, and tasted vile, causing Thaddeus to retch repeatedly. Then a rope was wound around his head. The rough hemp sawed into the sides of his mouth, and he was convinced his lips bled.

Helpless, he watched in horror as the two men set the burlap sack in front of a window. While the first man opened the window, the second man struck a match on a framed painting hanging beside the window.

Thaddeus fought his restraints. He prided himself on his collection of original artwork, and the landscape had cost him a small fortune. When the second man touched the lit match to the burlap sack, however, Thaddeus went stone still. Were they intending to incinerate him alive? Dear God, no! This couldn't be happening. His eyes began to water uncontrollably.

"Did I not say ye won't be harmed?" The man walked over to Thaddeus. "Rest assured, Mr. Newlin, I am a man o' me word."

Their eyes connected, and Thaddeus experienced a momentary sense of confusion. Something about the man, both men, actually, wasn't right. But he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

The man glanced over at the burlap sack, which had started to smolder. "The smoke will bring help long before those oil-soaked rags catch fire. Someone will find ye."

Thaddeus began struggling again in earnest.

"T'is been a pleasure, I must say, but we'll take our leave now if ye don't mind."

The two men started toward the door to Thaddeus's sleeping quarters. The shorter one went through, but the taller one hesitated.

"On second thought, maybe we will take ye up on yer kind offer o' the lass. Seein' as yer goin' to be rather busy in the next few minutes and will have no time ta properly satisfy her." He made a quick survey of the room, then went over to where the woman's dress had been previously discarded. He picked it up and waved it over his head like a banner. "Top o' the evenin' to ye, Mr. Newlin."

With that, he disappeared through the door.

Thaddeus screamed his rage, but the muffled sound reached no further than the four walls of his private railroad car.

* * *

On the other side of the door, the thieves got immediately down to business. By their calculations, they had no more than a minute or two before the smoke pouring from window roused a passerby's attention.

"Put this on," Maddie Campbell said in a loud whisper and threw the dress she held at her partner, Constance Starkweather. "Newlin will surely give a description of Dora to the sheriff and, I want her wearing different clothing. Dora, you wear Constance's dress."

Constance removed her battered felt hat, setting free a thick black braid which came to rest in the center of her back. She tossed her hat onto the bed and started stripping out of her shirt and pants. Maddie followed suit, removing her hat and clothes as fast as she could. Her own dark blonde hair had been pinned into a tight knot on top of her head. Dora finished dressing first and grabbing the men's clothes, began tossing them into a tattered carpetbag Maddie and Constance had brought along.

When they were all three finished changing clothes, they donned cloaks. Maddie pushed open the heavy metal door leading outside. She winced at the loud screeching sound, but as there was nothing to be done about it, she prayed no one heard and carried on. One by one, the women jumped down from the railed ledge extending out over the mechanism connecting Thaddeus's car to the one next to it. Before Maddie jumped, she tossed the carpetbag into Dora's outstretched arms.

Their dresses were cumbersome and when Constance landed, she caught the toe of her boot on her too long hem and hit the ground hard, landing on her hands and knees.


"Are you all right?" Maddie asked, all trace of her former Irish accent vanished. Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed Constance's arm. Dora grabbed the other, and they hauled Constance to her feet.

"I'm fine," she answered in a voice so high and musical, it couldn't possibly be mistaken for a man's. "Sorry."

The three women linked arms and ran along the train on the side opposite the depot. Maddie's and Constance's too big men's boots hindered their progress, as did the loose dirt heaped beside the railroad tracks. Already, the pounding of running feet on the depot platform echoed through the night. Someone in the distance shouted, "Fire." By the time the women reached the caboose, they were out of breath and panting hard. The cold night air burned Maddie's lungs, and her side ached.

Dora held the carpet bag to her middle, her face contorted with pain. "Sweet Lord in heaven. That were close."

It could have been closer, thought Maddie. All in all, they'd been most lucky. Next time, they might not have the advantage of surprise. "Hurry. Let's get a move on."

She cut the other women no slack. When they'd signed on with her, they knew the risks and knew they'd be expected to keep up or be left behind. The mission would not be forfeited to spare one life. Not when the survival of hundreds depended on the money they'd stolen from Newlin.

While she would have much preferred to return home to Eden and her precious young daughter, Josephine, Maddie guided the other women in the direction of the depot. They'd made it this far. Now was not the time to lose everything by drawing unwanted attention to themselves.

As a sophomore in high school, NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling author Cathy McDavid won a local writing competition with her self-illustrated children’s book. Who knew that small triumph would eventually lead to a career writing contemporary romances with over 1.3 million books sold? With forty-seven titles to date, Cathy is also a member of the prestigious Romance Writers of America’s Honor Roll. This “almost” Arizona native and mother of grown twins recently married her own real-life sweetheart. After leaving the corporate world four years ago, she now spends her days penning stories about good looking men who ride the range or fight fires or hunt creatures all while sweeping the girl off her feet. It’s a tough job but she’s willing to make the sacrifice.

To learn more about Cathy McDavid and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, BookBub, and Twitter.

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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Book Review! Immerse Mer Chronicles by Tobie Easton

Immerse (Mer Chronicles #3) by Tobie Easton
Genre: Young Adult (Fantasy Romance)
Expected Publication: March 19, 2019
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC

Immerse is the spellbinding and breathless final installment of the Mer Chronicles series where descendants of the Little Mermaid must face deadly magic, shifting alliances, and the dangers of forbidden love.

Lia can’t wait for her parents’ coronation. Now living in the sparkling palace beneath the waves, she sneaks off to Malibu whenever possible to see Clay. Tucked away in an abandoned seaside mansion, Lia and Clay devise a plan to ensure they can stay together forever.

But when an old enemy resurfaces and Lia is restricted to the palace for the safety of all Merkind, she and Clay are ripped apart once more.

She fears not only for Clay, but for her best friend Caspian, who seems to be swimming down a dangerous path. He has invited the conniving Melusine to the coronation ball, convinced she’s capable of change. And no matter how hard Lia fights it, showing up on Caspian’s arm is just the start of Melusine’s insidious return to her life.

With threats Below growing more ominous by the day and a powerful ancient ritual looming, soon the two girls can’t escape each other. As their fates grow increasingly intertwined, Melusine might be the only one who can help Lia find the answers she desperately needs to save everyone she loves and to achieve her happily ever after. But can Lia trust her?

Immerse is the third and final book in the Mer Chonicles by Tobie Easton. I felt like things took a little longer to get started with this one, so I had a bit of a hard time getting into it at first. It's been a little while since I read the previous two books, so I really liked that there were refreshers from the previous two books to remind me of where we left off and what had happened. This is a trilogy that must be read in order. So much happens, and you'll need to know all of it before reading Immerse. 

We don't just get Lia's perspective this time around either. Melusine is also telling this part of the story, and I really enjoyed getting her perspective. In general, the characters in this book, and whole series really, are so well fleshed out. I really felt like I was getting to know them. This has been a fantastic trilogy, and I'm sad it's the last book, but I'm completely satisfied with how everything turned out.

The ARC of Immerse Mer Chronicles by Tobie Easton was kindly provided to me by Bewitching Book Tours for review. The opinions are my own.

I wish Clay were here to see this. The thought flits through my mind again and again. When my family and I swim through the sparkling entrance of the palace, I wish I could grab his hand. As we’re greeted by hundreds of nobles swishing their tails in applause, I imagine the excited words he’d whisper in my ear. And as we start down the center aisle toward the thrones at the other end of the cavernous chamber, I yearn to show him how beautifully this room has been restored since he and I were last here.

Approaching the thrones, we process over an exquisite mosaic made up of abalone, mother of pearl, and troca shell pieces. It takes everything in me to keep my face neutral, to keep my head lifted and my sunbeam crown upright. This is the spot where, not so long ago, Clay risked his life to save mine. I glance around me at the splendor and the celebration. Clay’s sacrifice made today possible, and he’s not even here to see it.

How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing books since 2013, when I started Emerge, the first book in the Mer Chronicles series.  Before that, I’d done some screenwriting right after graduating from college, but Emerge was my first novel.

What inspired you to write The Mer Chronicles?
In every bathtub and swimming pool I played in as a child, I pretended to be a mermaid.  When I got older, other interests vied for attention, but mermaids always intrigued me.  A few years ago, I was swimming laps (literally) when the idea for what would become the Mer Chronicles struck—and it wouldn’t let go!

At first, all I knew was that I wanted to write about mermaids living on land.  Once I had decided to tell that story, I couldn’t help thinking about the original version of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, particularly the part that’s generally left out of more modern versions—that the Little Mermaid chose to die at the end instead of killing the prince and saving herself (yep, it’s a dark story!).  My imagination started spinning and I began to think about what the consequences of that action might have been for modern mermaids.

After writing Emerge, was it more challenging to write the sequels?
It was definitely more challenging to write Submerge, the second book in the series because it was the first book I’d ever written under contract to a publisher.  While writing a book under contract is absolutely wonderful in that you know you have a professional team in place and whatever you write will become a real book, it also means that WHATEVER YOU WRITE WILL BECOME A REAL BOOK.  There’s pressure in that, especially when you’re writing the second book in a series, and you don’t want to disappoint anyone.  Every time someone messaged me or tagged me in a good review of Emerge and said how much they were looking forward to Submerge, it made me so, so happy but also contributed to my growing sense of panic.  What if no matter how confident I felt in the story for Submerge and how much I loved the characters’ journeys, my readers who had been waiting for the book for a year, didn’t feel the same?  That was a new thought that began circling in my head when I sat down to write that hadn’t been there when I’d written Book 1. 

But somewhere in that final time crunch to finish by my deadline (because, yes, Book 2 was also the first book I’d ever had to write on a deadline), I stopped having time to listen to all that outside noise and all my own worries.  I reclaimed my need to write the story for myself.  And for the characters who deserved to have that story told.  So, by the time I wrote Immerse, I actually found it easier to write than Emerge or Submerge as long as I consistently reminded myself that my writing time belonged to me and my characters—and no one else.

What was the weirdest thing you had to google while doing research?
I’ve had to look up a lot about really fascinating ocean creatures.  My favorite has to be a tie between jellyfish that illuminate the ocean with flashing lights and pink dolphins!

These books would make great films. Would you want to turn them into movies?
Absolutely!  We’ve had some film interest in the series (yay!) and it would definitely be a dream to see the series come to life on screen, so fingers crossed!

I'd line up to watch! Which of your characters do you relate to most and why?
All my characters have at least some small piece of me (which I think is how I connect to each one of them and find their voices).  Lia, the protagonist, is a lot like I was in high school in terms of the way she thinks and how she expresses herself.  Her oldest sister Emeraldine is a lot like I am now.  Both consider love invaluable.  I also really relate to Caspian’s love of learning.  And I wish I were as cool and witty as Lia’s twin sisters, Lapis and Lazuli.

What is a secret about you that nobody else knows?
I have a mermaid rubber ducky that was given to me as a gift, and it makes me smile every time I’m brainstorming in the bathtub (which I do A LOT).

If your real life as a teenager was a Young Adult book, what would you, the main character, be like?
What a cool question!  I was obsessed with academics as a teen, so I’d be an over achiever who was just a little too focused on school and needed to learn to relax and be in the moment a bit more.  I was also drama club president and very involved in my school’s theater department.  I went to an all girl’s school and had a really tight-knit group of friends, so that would be a fun focus for the novel if my teen years were a YA book.

What book have you read too many times to count?
I’ve read the Harry Potter series over and over.  I’ve even read the entire thing out loud to my boyfriend (now husband)!  It took us a loooong time to get through all seven books out loud, but it was so much fun that we want to read it that way again at some point.

What is the best piece of writing advice you ever received?
I’ve been fortunate enough to hear a lot of great advice over the last few years since I started participating in the author community, but the one I use the most often came from Gretchen McNeil.  She recommended setting a timer for 25 or 30 minutes at a time and writing, then taking a 10-minute break, then repeating that process over and over so you’re basically writing in sprints.  That has really helped me avoid distractions like checking my email or going on social media because I tell myself I can do those things during the breaks.  At first, I didn’t think it sounded like something that would work for me, but after I gave it a try, I found it immensely helpful.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned while creating your books?
Honestly?  That I could write books.  Nearly all of Emerge was a surprise because it’s the first book I ever wrote.  When I had the initial idea (What if mermaids lived on land?), I thought, “I can’t write a book!” But the idea wouldn’t let go, and I felt like I had to write it.  Reaching THE END and realizing I could really write a book—and that I immediately wanted to write another one!—was the biggest surprise of all.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
When I’m not writing, I’m reading, and when I’m not reading, I’m trying out a new restaurant or travelling.  My favorite thing is exploring new worlds—whether on the page or off.
Have you read my reviews of the previous books in this trilogy?

Tobie Easton was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, where she’s grown from a little girl who dreamed about magic to a twenty-something who writes about it. A summa cum laude graduate of the University of Southern California, Tobie hosts book clubs for tweens and teens (so she’s lucky enough to spend her days gabbing about books). She and her very kissable husband enjoy traveling the globe and fostering packs of rescue puppies.

To learn more about Tobie Easton and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on GoodreadsFacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Immerse by Tobie Easton Book Blitz!

Immerse (Mer Chronicles #3) by Tobie Easton
Genre: Young Adult (Fantasy Romance)
Expected Publication: March 19, 2019
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC

Immerse is the spellbinding and breathless final installment of the Mer Chronicles series where descendants of the Little Mermaid must face deadly magic, shifting alliances, and the dangers of forbidden love.

Lia can’t wait for her parents’ coronation. Now living in the sparkling palace beneath the waves, she sneaks off to Malibu whenever possible to see Clay. Tucked away in an abandoned seaside mansion, Lia and Clay devise a plan to ensure they can stay together forever.

But when an old enemy resurfaces and Lia is restricted to the palace for the safety of all Merkind, she and Clay are ripped apart once more.

She fears not only for Clay, but for her best friend Caspian, who seems to be swimming down a dangerous path. He has invited the conniving Melusine to the coronation ball, convinced she’s capable of change. And no matter how hard Lia fights it, showing up on Caspian’s arm is just the start of Melusine’s insidious return to her life.

With threats Below growing more ominous by the day and a powerful ancient ritual looming, soon the two girls can’t escape each other. As their fates grow increasingly intertwined, Melusine might be the only one who can help Lia find the answers she desperately needs to save everyone she loves and to achieve her happily ever after. But can Lia trust her?

I wish Clay were here to see this. The thought flits through my
mind again and again. When my family and I swim through the
sparkling entrance of the palace, I wish I could grab his hand. As
we’re greeted by hundreds of nobles swishing their tails in applause,
I imagine the excited words he’d whisper in my ear. And as we start
down the center aisle toward the thrones at the other end of the
cavernous chamber, I yearn to show him how beautifully this room
has been restored since he and I were last here.

Approaching the thrones, we process over an exquisite mosaic
made up of abalone, mother of pearl, and troca shell pieces. It takes
everything in me to keep my face neutral, to keep my head lifted and
my sunbeam crown upright. This is the spot where, not so long ago,
Clay risked his life to save mine. I glance around me at the splendor
and the celebration. Clay’s sacrifice made today possible, and he’s
not even here to see it.

Have you read my reviews of the previous books in this trilogy?

Tobie Easton was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, where she’s grown from a little girl who dreamed about magic to a twenty-something who writes about it. A summa cum laude graduate of the University of Southern California, Tobie hosts book clubs for tweens and teens (so she’s lucky enough to spend her days gabbing about books). She and her very kissable husband enjoy traveling the globe and fostering packs of rescue puppies.

To learn more about Tobie Easton and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on GoodreadsFacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Release Day Review! Sweet Escape at Bayside by Addison Cole

Sweet Escape at Bayside (Sweet with Heat: Bayside Summers #4) by Addison Cole
Genre: Adult Fiction (Contemporary Romance)
Date Published: March 6, 2019
Publisher: World Literary Press

Hold on to your hat for Violet's fun, flirty, and romantic love story! Lizza is up to her old tricks again, and Violet is in for the surprise of a lifetime!

Two years ago Violet Vancroft was a nomadic artist who never wanted to put down roots and Andre Shaw was a prominent Boston physician whose roots ran too deep to unearth. Their love didn’t stand a chance—or at least that’s what Violet believed when she received a plea for help from the sister she’d never really known—so she snuck away like a thief in the night.

Now Andre travels the world setting up new medical clinics, and Violet has finally found the family she’d always craved and the roots she’d never known she wanted. When their paths cross unexpectedly, it’s not the reunion either one imagined. But they’ve never stopped loving each other, and after the dust of anger and hurt settles, passion ignites even hotter than before. As the end to Andre’s time at the Cape nears, reality sets in, leaving them no closer to a future than they were before. Violet and Andre are forced to dig deep to discover if they’re destined to live apart forever or if true love really can conquer all.

*Sweet with Heat books are the sweet editions of the award-winning Love in Bloom steamy romance novels by New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster. Addison Cole is Melissa Foster's sweet-romance pen name. Sweet with Heat books convey all of the passion you expect between two people in love, without any explicit scenes or harsh language. Full of humor, heart, and satisfying happily ever afters, Sweet with Heat novels are perfect beach reads. 

Sweet Escape at Bayside is the fourth book in the Sweet With Heat: Bayside Summers series by Addison Cole. This is Violet's story, and if you've been reading this series, I know you were just as excited as I was for this book. Violet is one tough cookie, but you'll find there is so much more to this girl. Sooooo much more. I loved learning everything about her. Violet may just be my favorite character out of all the Sweet with Heat novels I've read so far. I'm still on a book high, so that's how I feel at the moment anyway. Violet and Andre truly bring out the best in each other. They had some super, palpable chemistry going on. They're definitely sweet with heat to the extreme. I enjoyed their story tremendously.

The ARC of  Sweet Escape at Bayside by Addison Cole was kindly provided to me by the author for review. The opinions are my own.

Check out my review of the other books in this series!

Check out my reviews of other books by this author!

Addison Cole is the sweet alter ego of New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Melissa Foster. She writes humorous and emotional sweet contemporary romance. Her books do not include explicit sex scenes or harsh language. Addison spends her summers on Cape Cod, where she dreams up wonderful love stories in her house overlooking Cape Cod Bay.

Addison enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups and welcomes an invitation to your event.
Addison’s books are available in paperback, digital, and audio formats.

To learn more about Addison Cole and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on GoodreadsFacebookInstagramPinterestBookBub, Google+, and Twitter.

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